Watching House of Cards on CNN https://t.co/pp2CBEl4Dr
— Lil Boosie Vert (@Itzshowtim3__) June 8, 2017
Live footage of me watching Comey. #ComeyDay pic.twitter.com/XbYr4I3s7A
— Michael Arceneaux (@youngsinick) June 8, 2017
When THEY aren't even checking their OWN guy on his numerous fuck ups/embarrassments.
— Reagan Gomez (@ReaganGomez) June 8, 2017https://t.co/CB4PJ47oQl
Comey: This dude was lying on my name, so I called my homie and told him to drop that heat. pic.twitter.com/QTevQbHgfF
— Khal Draghoe (@brownandbella) June 8, 2017
Of course he showed the memo to others. You need back up when dealing with a known liar. #comeyday
— Brittany Packnett (@MsPackyetti) June 8, 2017
It is disgusting to hear Republicans tell Comey what he should have said to call Trump out face to face when they NEVER do that themselves.
— Shaun King (@ShaunKing) June 8, 2017
"There should be no fuzz on this. The Russians interfered with our election." #ComeyDay pic.twitter.com/6N3Ha5msbp
— ColorOfChange.org (@ColorOfChange) June 8, 2017
Comey just said unlike that orange lying ass bitch, I'm not known for scams so know me. #ComeyDay
— Michael Arceneaux (@youngsinick) June 8, 2017
Who would Republicans have had Comey report Trump's harassment to? The pro-Trump Republicans on the Senate intelligence committee? #ComeyDay
— Joy Reid (@JoyAnnReid) June 8, 2017
Roy Blunt's opening question to Comey: "if the president had not terminated your service, would you still be the head of the FBI?" #ComeyDay pic.twitter.com/m0Vzz0JKiS
— Joy Reid (@JoyAnnReid) June 8, 2017
Remarkably, the Republicans on the committee are putting the onus on Comey to stop the obstruction, not Trump for committing it. #ComeyDay
— Joy Reid (@JoyAnnReid) June 8, 2017
Is anyone else as entertained by the irony of Marco Rubio asking #JamesComey why he didn't stand up to Trump? #ComeyDay #ComeyHearings
— Neale (@AbeFroman) June 8, 2017
Trump's aides trying to keep him away from his phone so he can't tweet #ComeyDay #ComeyHearings pic.twitter.com/0SJUUPnaNm
— Matthew A. Cherry (@MatthewACherry) June 8, 2017
Comey saying “Lordy.”
Warner saying “Amen.” This isn’t a congressional hearing. It’s church.Comey: "Lordy, I hope there are tapes" of my Trump conversations https://t.co/2L3KNBxfUn #ComeyDay pic.twitter.com/UOPwlyODSR
— The Daily Beast (@thedailybeast) June 8, 2017itter.com/hashtag/ComeyDay?src=hash">#ComeyDay — Imani Gandy (@AngryBlackLady) June 8, 2017The GOP senators are acting like the HR department who doesn't give a shit about your complaints about workplace abuse.
— Terrell J. Starr (@Russian_Starr) June 8, 2017
Comey during this hearing #ComeyDay pic.twitter.com/sd19SDsjMk
— Black Girl Nerds (@BlackGirlNerds) June 8, 2017
McCain and "That Thing" pic.twitter.com/HV9dFQql8b
— Jermaine Spradley (@MrSpradley) June 8, 2017
Senator McCain it's your turn for questioning.
John McCain: pic.twitter.com/0aD8deomlS — Matthew A. Cherry (@MatthewACherry) June 8, 2017
COMEY: "The FBI is honest. The FBI is strong and the FBI is and always will be independent."
Every Black person in America: pic.twitter.com/Pn1PDzK2bE — Marc Lamont Hill (@marclamonthill) June 8, 2017
The post Black Twitter Translates The James Comey Hearing appeared first on MadameNoire.